What Is The Latest in YouTube Parental Control Technology?

What Is The Latest in YouTube Parental Control Technology?

What Is The Latest in YouTube Parental Control Technology?

Posted by on 2023-11-23

YouTube has made strides over the years to provide parents with tools they need to ensure their children are safe online. The latest in YouTube parental control technology is designed to give parents even more control over what their kids can watch. With this new technology, parents can choose which videos or channels their children can access and limit the amount of time they spend on YouTube. This feature also allows parents to set age-appropriate content filters, which exclude videos that could contain inappropriate material. Additionally, a parent can now easily monitor their child's viewing history and create playlists of approved content for them to watch. All these features help make sure that kids are only seeing content that is appropriate for them and that parents have peace of mind when it comes to keeping their kids safe online.