Time Limits

Time Limits

Time limits are an important part of life. Whether it's setting a deadline for a project or creating boundaries within relationships, they help to ensure that goals and expectations are met. Without these boundaries, it is easy to procrastinate and not accomplish what we set out to do. Time limits also create structure in our lives, keeping us organized and productive while allowing us to enjoy leisure activities without guilt or remorse.

When used appropriately, time limits can introduce discipline into our lives, fruitfully utilizing the hours in our day and helping us prioritize tasks efficiently. However, if misused or abused, they can become oppressive and stifle creativity. It is important to remember that time constraints should be utilized as a tool rather than an instrument of oppression.

Ultimately, time limits provide much needed structure in our lives while giving us the freedom to explore new avenues of thought and expression uncontaminated by preconceived notions of success or failure. With proper guidance and moderation, time limits can offer peace of mind and order amidst chaos.

Blocking Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

You can set specific times of day and/or week when your child is blocked from using YouTube.
Go to the Parental Control settings in your Google Account and select “Restricted Mode”, which will block videos that are not appropriate for children.
Yes, you can check their watch history within their YouTube account to keep track of what they are watching.
Yes, you can create custom filters based on age-appropriate interests or keywords so that your child is only shown videos that meet your standards for content.